Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Name theory:

I have recently met another Vincy- she also does Psych and is in 2nd year ^^
In my life I have known only two Vincy/ies :P and i have Heard of 3 other vincies from other people..
In icq I have searched for some vincies who were older than me by a few years..
In xanga i have found some vincies too..
anyway my point is..
Does the uniqueness of the name have anything to do with character of the person?
I think we might learn about it a bit in personality psych..
For the other psych Vincy, she says she has never known anyone with our name and that I was the first she had ever met~
So you think that changes her?
Well i suppose i never knew any other Vincy until year twelve maybe? when someone mentioned they had other Vincy's as friends..
But I vaguely saw another Vinci, around that time, and she now does Optom..
Both Vincys that i know are quite different..
They are both girly though,
For me, i know that my name has caused me to become shy in a way, and the need to be "normal" was stronger, and the thing i hated about having a unique name in high school was that people teased me and teachers called my name wrongly..
Having a unique name makes you think you are special..
Yet having a name that doesnt really mean anything lets you have the freedom to make it what you like...
People with names that mean something and know it from young, may end up becoming that something or having that characteristic.. it is all unconciously done...
So how has your name changed your life?


At 1:33 AM, Sam said...

Oh, maybe names do change lives. Like there was this name which used to be a really popular name but now if you name your child that name, it means they're gay.

At 11:49 PM, Son said...

There is certainly a lot attached to a name... I don't know if they'd be a significant factor in determining the path of most people, but perhaps for some especially it is a source of pride, or identity, or suffering. For some it may be an inspiration, while for others it may be a burden, something hated and because it's attached to them, they hate themselves. Personally, I used to hate my name, because it was unusual and usually mispronounced and that sort of thing - i.e. I just wanted to be normal, but I wasn't, and it wasn't because of my name, just that the name was a reflection of this. I do like my Chinese name, because of its meaning. And now, I don't place much importance on my English name... though I like to think it's biblical =P

At 12:14 AM, vv said...

hehe, interesting,.. is son your english name or chinese?
yeh i used to dislike that people couldnt say my name properly :P

At 9:46 PM, Son said...

hehe... Son is english of course, chinese name is a chinese character =P It's a phonetic translation of my chinese name, though "Sung" would be closer.

At 9:01 PM, Sam said...

I read an article about 2 weeks ago where one of the SMH writers looked up his name on Google and found 4 other "fake" people with the same name as his. His conclusion after interviewing them all was that they were all very different to each other. I can't find the SMH article anymore though, sorry.


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