Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The first connection...

I think when you meet a person for the first time and talk to them and then find out you have a similar wavelength you would talk to that person for a longg time to get to know each other and sort out your similarities and differences.. and then you would slowly talk less and less cos u already know them well enough..
but you would share more and more too..
but why are there people on my msn list who just don't talk to me at all?
I wonder if i ever was on the same wavelength as them, or maybe childhood/teen friends are too different now? they have changed? they cant talk much on the same wavelength anymore.. it is sad..
Then there are those who aren't really on your wavelength.. they would talk less at first and then less and less until you don't really talk at all.. only maybe once every month or few months..

Do you think that those who are too similar to you can take up too much of your time? and that would be bad? What about those who find it hard to stop talking cos they don't want to interrupt the flow of the conversation even though it is late and need to sleep? but then again.. maybe that is the beginning of friendship where ppl are polite and don't know when to stop.. i am often like that.. i don't know when to leave cos i like staying at my friend's place too much or i like talking to them too much..
sigh.. such is life ^_^


At 10:47 PM, zillidot said...

Sigh... is it inevitable for people to drift apart?

At 4:26 PM, jace said...

but why are there people on my msn list who just don't talk to me at all?

Some people just don't like MSN. Other people have too many people on their list, so they don't talk to most of them, except if its urgent. Ask them. =p

Then there are those who aren't really on your wavelength.. they would talk less at first and then less and less until you don't really talk at all.. only maybe once every month or few months..

Looks like I'm in this category.

However, I'm sure you'll find people who are on almost everyone's wavelength.

At 4:31 PM, jace said...

And then there are those people who you thought were on different wavelengths, but over time (talking and understanding), you realise you're both on the same wavelength.

At 10:42 PM, vv said...

why do u say that u are in that category?
it's just that u don't talk to me enough :P
and also im not in ur cell anymore
also... like i said.. u seem distant and deep in your thoughts, so ppl dont want to disrupt u :)

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At 1:11 AM, Anonymous said...

Hehe are you talking about me a bit there? "find out you have a similar wavelength" - "take up too much of your time?" - "hard to stop talking"? Did I cause you to write this blog? ~_^. MSN reflects real world friendships and connections. i.e. You meet people, you stick with those who you click with, you grow further from those you don't, you grow apart from those you click with anyways, you meet more it goes on. Well, the reason I start talking heaps is because some people are interesting and enjoyable to talk to, and they respond more quickly. Reasons I stop talking to people is because their responses become slower, or they don't respond back much, and talking to them becomes segregated and incoherent, making it a waste of time to talk to. Also, I talk heaps rarely, and when I do, I realise that I have deadlines to meet, and so I inevitably speak less. Busy life takes me away from MSN, which also limits how many people I talk to. There are just heaps of people on my list I just dun like much. New people I meet I'd talk to more, then find out we're not on the same wavelength so I talk less to them. Those that are on the same wavelength I continue to talk to, but I'd talk less to them due to reality... commitments... but they're people I can always talk to heaps anytime I choose to. When you're only one person, with 100 people to talk to and a life and deadlines, you tend to be selective.

At 2:31 PM, gleun said...

well i dunno.. i think some ppl are just msn ppl and other are just not... like some ppl that you know well and when u meet up or talk on the phone they have a million of things to say and you wonder if they were ever going to stop for a breath.. and then u meet them on msn and they give you one word answers...and so if they are not msn ppl then might as well just call them or meet up with them if you wanna chat

whilst certain other ppl everytime they seem have something in particular they wanna ask you... very agenda focused.. eg stuff about uni or watever and dont really seem to generally be in a mood for chatting and sometimes it hard talking to ppl who seem like dont want to chat--

i agree with the busy-ness thing too... i talk less when i hav stuff to do.. and if i am really busy sometimes i dont even go on... or just go on to ask ppl question about stuff related to what i am doing...being hte cheap asian i am...

so in conclusion: just cos they dont chat to you on msn... doesnt mean they dont love you...


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