>Whats with the generation before us? well they have so many siblings that their families arent all that close.. and parents have to work etc.. but they also dont understand the importance of friendship and gatherings ?
i dunno.. well it seems to me anyway.
like i have all these different friends living in different places.. mainly cos i've been moving a lot.. and these days ppl like flying everywhere.. so then its hard to talk to then except thru icq or internet.. or meeting up with them..
so mum once said "why do u waste so much time talking on net?"
i always did and will do - talking on the net - cos its the place where i feel most comfortable with..well since i was shy to begin with.. and can talk to most people more "properly" since writing is the way i can express my opinions by.
I find that when i talk to someone in real life i am not able to talk as much as i wanted or my point is a bit mixed up i guess.. maybe i do think to slow and or not think at all and just say stuff too quickly..
but of course the net has the advantage of recording what u say etc.. hehe.. and i like recording stuff.. even tho i kno that the brain will never really lose any memory,... just that its hard to get stuff out thats all..:P
>We went to a friends gathering (parent's type) it was supposed to be to celebrate their son's bday etc.. but it was postponed to last saturday..
anyway, they always like to talk about kids, how they've grown, who's taller? why is she so fat/thin? what uni? school? marks etc.. and .. the thing is.. my mum has kinda tricked them,... telling them that my mark is higher than what i really got... so thats the sad thing..its like she's afraid that ppl will think im dumb or sth.. for getting 80 as a uai...
and one reason why she says this maybe cos others may think that since im in a private school and i'm kinda 'well behaved' that i would get top marks etc its all the face value thing...
Ppl always get all these stereotypes dont they.. they think ppl in private schools are smart and posh or stuck up or well behaved. etc.. but its not really the case..
mum just doesnt understand the importance of friendship these days.. and how u need to share stuff with others.. she seems to not like to share anything and just likes lots of face value stuff.. its kinda sad...