The first connection...
I think when you meet a person for the first time and talk to them and then find out you have a similar wavelength you would talk to that person for a longg time to get to know each other and sort out your similarities and differences.. and then you would slowly talk less and less cos u already know them well enough..
but you would share more and more too..
but why are there people on my msn list who just don't talk to me at all?
I wonder if i ever was on the same wavelength as them, or maybe childhood/teen friends are too different now? they have changed? they cant talk much on the same wavelength anymore.. it is sad..
Then there are those who aren't really on your wavelength.. they would talk less at first and then less and less until you don't really talk at all.. only maybe once every month or few months..
Do you think that those who are too similar to you can take up too much of your time? and that would be bad? What about those who find it hard to stop talking cos they don't want to interrupt the flow of the conversation even though it is late and need to sleep? but then again.. maybe that is the beginning of friendship where ppl are polite and don't know when to stop.. i am often like that.. i don't know when to leave cos i like staying at my friend's place too much or i like talking to them too much..
sigh.. such is life ^_^